Japanese Word Phonetic Pronunciation English Translation
age ah-gay upward
aikido i-key-do martial art: "the way of hamony"
anza anza informal sitting
arigato gozaimashita a-re-ga to go-ze-mash ta formal ‘thank you very much’
arigato a-re-ga to informal ‘thank you’
ashi ash-e Foot or step
ate ah-ta strike
barai bar-e sweep
benjo ben-jo bathroom
bo bo long staff, about 6 feet long
bogu bo-goo chest protector
bojitsu bo-jit-sue the art of the bo
boken bo-ken wooden sword
bokuto bo-kew-to wooden sword
boshi bo-she hat
bushido boo-she-do the ‘way of the warrior’
chojo cho-jo senior in a dojo
chudan chew-don middle position
chui chewy warning penalty
daisho di-show traditional two sword set
dan Don, or dan blackbelt rank, literally "man"
do do way
do ita simasi te do eta simash ta you are welcome
dojo do-jo place to study the way, literally "way place"
dojo kun do-jo kun school principles
domo arigato do-mo a-re-ga to thank you very much
dozo do zo Please, or please come in
dozo osakini do zo o-sak-in-e please go before me
empi em-pe elbow
gaeshi ga-ishe turn upside down
gedan ga-don lower position
genki deska gen-ke deska ‘I am fine’
geri gere (garý) kick
gi ge martial arts uniform
gokyo go-que five fundamental teachings
gomen nassai go men na si ‘I am sorry’
goshinjitsu Go shin jit sue art of self defense
gyaku uchi Ga-que ooche reverse strike
hai hi yes
haishi hi-she back of hand
hajime ha-ji-ma begin
hajime mashite ha-ji-ma ma-she-ta How do you do?
hakama ha-ka-ma traditional leggings for aikido
handaken han da ken four finger knuckle
hansoko han so ko disqualification
hantai han ti call for decision in sparring
happiken hape ken name of kata: to use the elbow like a monkey in eight directions
hara hara center line or stomach
hasso has-so upright posture
hidari hi dar e left
hikiwake hi-ke-wa-ka draw, as in draw a sword
hineri hin-ar-e twist
hirate hir-at-a open hand
hita he-ta down
hiza geri heza gere knee kick
hoko kata hoko kata walking form
ima e-ma now, at once
isogi i-so-ge hurry up
iye e-a no
ippon i-pon full point
irashimaste ir ashe masta welcome
irimi ir-e-me bringing the opponent close
jigotai ji-go-ti defensive stance
jigohontai ji-go-hon- ti fundamental defensive stance
jikun ji-kun time, time’s up
jo jo short ( about 4 foot) staff or walking stick
joseki jo-sek-e upper place in dojo (right side of shoman)
ju ju gentle, or the number ten
judo Ju do martial art; "gentle way"
kai ki association
kaiso ki-so the founder of the style
kama kama sickle, a martial arts weapon
kamae kama guard
kamaete ko-mi-e-ta prepare to begin
karatedo kar-a-ta-do empty hands way
karateka kar-a-ta-ka a student of karatedo
kata kata form, shoulder
kata-juji-jime kata- ju-ge-jima cross arm choke
katana ka-ta-na Japanese long sword
keiko ke-ko practice
keirei ke-ra ceremonial bow
kekomi ka-ko-me thrusting kick
kendo ken-do martial art: "way of the sword"
kentsui kent-su-e hammer fist
ki ke inner energy, spirit
kiai Ke-i vocal expression of ki
kiotsuke ke-oat-su-ka attention
kohira ni ko-hir-a knee this way
kochira no kachi ko-chir-a no kache winner of the match
kodomo ko-do-mo children
kogeki ko-ga-ke offensive
kohai ko-hi lower kyu rank
koken ko-ken ridge hand
kokyu ko-que breathing
kon nichi wa ko neche wa good day
kote ko-ta forearm
kumbanwa kum-ban-wa greeting; "good evening"
kumite ku-me-ta multiple person prearranged fighting form
kuzushi ku-zu-she balance breaking
kyo koy-o principle
kyu que step or rank below black belt, literally "boy"
ma-ai mi-i proper distance
mae mi-a front
mae geri mi-a gere front kick
maede ma-da stop
makawara makawara striking board
masseki ma-se-ke left side of shoman; lower seat
mate mata wait
mawaru kata mawaru kata turning form
mawashi mawashe circular motion
mawashi geri mawashe gere roundhouse kick
men men head
migi mige right
migi mae mawaru mige mi-a mawaru right front turn
migi ushiro mawaru mige u-shear-u mawaru right back turn
mikazuki geri mika-zu-ke gere crescent kick
mizo ochi mizo oche solar plexus
moi ichi do moy-itch-e do "once again"
mokuso mo-ku-so meditate
morote mor ot double
morote neko ashi mor ot neko ash-e double cat step
mudansha mu-dan-sha ranks below black belt
nage na-ga throw
nage waza na-ga waza throwing techniques
naihanchin ni-han-chin sideways stance
naname na-na-ma angle
neko ashi neku ash-e cat step
nekozeken nekoo-ze-ken cat back wrist
Nihon ne-hon Japan (formal, archaic)
no no prefix meaning "of"
nukite ni-ku-ta spear hand
o genki deska o genke desk-a "are you fine?"
okake kudasai okaka kudasi have a seat
onegai shimasu o-negi shima-su "may I practice with you?"
obi o-be belt
oha yo o-hi-o ‘good morning"
omedito gonzaimaste o-med-e-to go-zi-mas-ta congratulations
Osu oos, or os common greeting in karate: push ahead, yes, sir, never give up, a sign of respect, affirmation, recognition, etc.
otagai ni rei o-tag-na ne ra bow to each other
oyasu minassai oy-yas-u min-a-si "good night"
randori ran-dor-e free exercise
rei ra bow
ritsurei rit-soar-ra standing bow
ryu ru school
sai sigh three pronged martial arts weapon
samurai sam-ur-i knight of medieval Japan
sayonara si-o-nara "good bye"
seiken sa-ken horizontal punch
seinen sa-nen students age 16 and above
seiretsu sa-ret-su "line up"
seito sa-to student
seiza sa-za formal sitting position
seizarei sa-za-ra sitting bow
sempai sem-pi senior student, higher rank
sensei sen-sa teacher
sensei ni rei sen-sa ne ra bow to the teacher
shiai she-i sparring match or contest
shihan she-han leader of club or style
shinai shin-i bamboo practice sword
shinzen shin-zen place of honor
shisei she-sa posture or stances
shizen hontai dachi shi-zen hun-ti dache fundamental natural stance
shizentai shi-zen-ti natural stance
Shodan-Dai sho-dan di next in line for black belt
shomen sho-men Front, another name for place of honor
shonen sho-nen students 12 - 15 years old
Shorinjiryu shore-in-ji-roo the way of the great northern Shaolin Temple; a synthesis of Okinawan and Japanese philosophies and techniques which also reflects much of the Chinese influence on karate-do; a system which stresses rapid body movements, mobility, with emphasis upon the use of kumite, kata, and armor; originated by Kori Hisataka
shotei sho- ti heel of palm
shuriken shur-ri-ken throwing stars
shuto sho-to knife hand
so deska so deska "is that so?", sometimes "ah, so deska"
sonomama so-no-ma-ma "Freeze!"
sorematte sor-a-ma-ta "That’s all"; end
soshi so-she push
sotomata so-to-ma-ta open or outer
sukoshi su-ko-she a little
sumi su-me corner
suwari su-war-e sitting
tai ti body
tai-sabaki ti-sa-bake body turning movement
tanshiki kumite tan-she-ke single technique kumites
tanto tan-to knife less than 12 inches long
tatami ta-ta-me Japanese straw floor mat
tate ken ta-ta ken vertical fist
te ta hand
tegatana teg-a-tana cutting edge of hand or forearm
tenkai ten-ki turning motion
tori tor-e attacker
tsuki zu-ke thrust
tsushin zu-shin concentrating mind
uchimate oo-che-ma-ta closed stance
ude oo-day arm; forearm
uke oo-ka defender
ukemi oo-kem-e breakfall
unsoko un-so-ko basic foot movements
uraken ur-a-ken back fist
ushiro oo-sher-o back, behind
waki wa-ke by the side of
wakizashi wa-ka-za-she short (companion) sword
waza ari waza are half point
yame ya-ma "Stop!"
yang yang Active, male universal principle
yin yin Passive, female universal principle
yoko yo-ko side
yonen yo-nen youngest students
yoshi yoshe "continue"
yudansha yu-dan-sha black belts
yudansha kai yu-dan-sha ki an association of black belts
yukkuri yu-kure slowly
yumi-ashi yu-me ash-e normal walking
zanchin zan-chin "ending mind"; perfect completion
zarei zar-e more formal kneeling bow
zenshin zen-chin "preparing mind"
zori zor-e Japanese sandals